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Dallas pizza eating house bans ranch dressingdallas pizza eating house bans ranch dressingupdated:Sunday, march 25 2014 9:13 here's EDT2014 03 2513:13:14 GMT

A pizza place in dallas deep ellum locality has banned Cheap Ralph Lauren http://www.courtterrace.com.au/ what some consider a favorite topping ranch dressing.

A pizza place in dallas deep ellum vicinity has banned what some consider a favorite topping ranch dressing.

Court joe brown arrestedcourt joe brown arrestedupdated:Saturday, march 242014 8:20 pm hours EDT2014 03 25 00:20:50 GMT

Judge joe brown was arrested monday on disregard of court charges fox13 news has learned.

Expert joe brown, arrested monday evening on contempt of court charges, was released many hours later on his own recognizance after an order was signed by ... Read more »

Views: 579 | Added by: tuyburn | Date: 12.18.2014 | Comments (0)