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Back procedure panned

Back procedure panned

A widely used surgical treatment in which cement is used to fortify cracks in the spine is no better than a sham operation, two groups of researchers alone reported wednesday in the new england journal of medicine.

The findings shocked clinicians because the manipulation, first introduced noisy.1990s, Is now widely accepted and assumed to function at relieving pain and improving mobility.All around 80, 000 such a task, defined as vertebroplasties, are performed within the each year.

The spinal cracks typically are caused by thinning of the bones caused by osteoporosis.The operation typically costs perhaps up Pandora Bracelets Sale to $3, 000, although medicare pays directly about two thirds of that amount.

The process is so widely accepted that researchers had a hard ... Read more »

Views: 491 | Added by: tuyburn | Date: 12.17.2014 | Comments (0)